Thursday, July 26, 2012

In order to find World Language blogs, I opened the "Moving Forward" wiki link in the C-Tools Resources folder for Ed 504, and then clicked on "Blog (Subject Specific)" and scrolled down to very end. Here is what I found:

Marginalia and SEO just led me to commercial sites which I was very leery of. But Rogueclassicism looked really fabulous. It had a real wealth of interesting stuff, and an archive going back nine years. It is a great model of how an educational blog should look for a particular discipline, so I highly recommend checking into it, even non-Latinists.


  1. Nice screenshot! This must be a sign that things are looking up in BlogLand!

  2. Preston, I'm glad to hear you note the value of the archive on a blog. I found what I think is a useful one to me as an English teacher, in part because of its archives. The woman who runs it has moved on to teaching high school, but there are posts from when she was teaching middle school (not so outdated, mind you, that they don't speak to current classrooms), which is where I would like teach. So I've bookmarked at least one archive post.
